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Resolved Educator

The Resolved Educator's philosophy and methodology of education embraces a classical and historic process of Biblical reasoning. This form of learning establishes Scripture as the foundation of every subject, makes the Glory of God the purpose of education and centers the Gospel as the focus of teaching.

The Resolved Educator’s chief purpose is to teach students how to reason from a distinctively Biblical worldview. According to Proverbs 1:7, a man's knowledge has no worth if he does not obtain wisdom. The Resolved Educator provides the structure of Truth that frames true education. Wisdom is the key to understanding, and the Resolved Educator's methodology forms Godly wisdom as the student learns how to think and reason. This form of education guides the student to learn to redirect their mind, will and emotions toward the Glory of God.

What is Resolved Educator?


Resolved, to equip churches to implement Resolved Educator schools, so that their families can be trained in Biblical academic excellence and prepare future generations to live for Christ.


As our world continues to turn further away from the will of God, our purpose is to prepare our organizations, administrators, teachers and students to live for Christ for in the same way that Daniel stood resolved against the culture in Babylon.

Resolved Academy

Our home institution in which we are training families to live for Christ through the discipleship and training of Grace Community Baptist Church.

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We need your help! You can make an incredible impact in helping us exponentially expand the amount of organization who have a Resolved Educator's vision, and who are willing to stand against the culture and teach the Word of God as the Truth!


Take advantage of all of our resources that we currently have available and are continuing to develop.

The Resolved Educator Philosophy

  1. The Word of God is the foundation of all education.

  2. Renewing the mind to regulate conscience is the purpose of education.

  3. Biblical self-government is the result of education.

  4. The Gospel is the primary focus of all education.

  5. Glorifying God is the goal of all education.

The Resolved Educator Methodology

  1. Biblical reasoning is the foundation of learning.

  2. Responsible exploration expands the horizon of learning.

  3. Engaging in apprenticeships solidifies learning.

  4. Proper reflection establishes the record of learning.

  5. Effective communication generates exponential learning.

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